Polisen Enheten for Databrott virus uses the same malicious tactic as FBI virus, Ukash virus, Canadian Mounted Police ransomware and other PC lockers of this type. This sample is prepared especially for Sweden audience. It penetrates inside a system secretly therefore you will not see any sign of its activity before it roots deeply in a system.
As soon as a machine is infected, Polisen Enheten for Databrott virus completely paralyzes the desktop. You can see only a message informing that your computer is being locked by an automatic information control. You will be displayed with a window listing reasons for this blocking. They are related to you visiting forbidden websites, using and/or distributing child pornography and copyrighted content such as music, movies.
Enligt lag, om Information kontroll och skydd av information’från den 2012/01/02 skyldig måste betala böter på 100 euro. För att underlätta betalning av böterna, erbjuder vi en säker from av utbetalning med hjälp av Ukash kuponger. Allt du behöver är att köpa en voucher (ar) for totalt 100 euro, och skriva dem I formen for avbetalning, sedan klicka på ‘Skick a koden’.
To get the access to your PC again, you should pay a fine of 100 EUR using Ukash payment system. When the payment is proceeded, you will receive a code which is supposed to unlock your PC. But indeed the scammers, the developers of this ransomware do not care about it. Their main aim is to get your money giving you nothing good in return. Please note that Polisen Enheten for Databrott fake one, it is not sent by the official organization thus you should not pay anything. If you already the payment is effected, contact your credit card company to revoke the charges.
To remove this PC locker is not an easy task. Nevertheless if there is a problem there is a solution also. You will find the detailed step-by-step unblocking guide.
Before the very boot process begins keep repeatedly hitting F8 button on your keyboard. In the window that appeared select Safe mode with command prompt option and press Enter.
Launch regedit. Search for Winlogon. Press Start --> RunSTEP 3.
There will be a key labeled Shell under Winlogon. It should reference Explorer.exe or be blank. If there is something else referring an executable in one of user’s folders, replace it with explorer.exe.
Save changes, reboot to safe mode with networking.
Restart your computer and press F8 while it is restarting.
Choose safe mode with networking.
Launch MSConfig.
Press Start --> Run
or press [Win]+R on keyboard
Type MSConfig
Install and run http://trojan-killer.net/download.php?trojankiller Scan with it the PC and delete Polisen Enheten for Databrott virus executables it finds.
SOURCE: http://remove-trojans.com/polisen-enheten-for-databrott-virus-how-to-remove/
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